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About TradingView's platform for visualizing data, charting and tracking financial markets at any time.
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TradingView - a user-friendly platform for analysis, data visualization and interaction between traders
TradingView is a web-based charting platform with various functions: for example, you can track and analyze the rates of currency pairs, stocks, cryptocurrencies, commodities and other assets. TradingView is mainly used by traders trading on the stock market, but this platform is also suitable for Forex traders. Let's find out how to use TradingView and analyze the market with its help.
We recommend novice traders to monitor a maximum of 5 to 10 currency pairs. After familiarizing yourself with the market and developing your own trading system, you can expand your horizons. By focusing on a few pairs, you will be able to better understand the market and the platform and use the acquired skills to then move on to other pairs and even asset types.
Expert Advice
Advanced traders and investors use the TradingView platform
With TradingView you will be able to follow the activity of other traders and use their ideas
Trading ideas are a distinctive feature of the TradingView platform, there is no other similar resource like it. Thanks to this feature, you can conveniently share your analysis with other traders and better understand the current market situation by viewing the ideas submitted by the platform's huge user base. In addition, you can apply already published ideas to check how they work in reality and see if a particular analysis was right or wrong.
TradingView is the most convenient charting service on the vastness of the internet even in 2023!
Improve your charting skills with the TradingView platform
The charting tool provided by TradingView is a highly requested feature. It allows you to analyze charts using indicators and chart objects, mark up a chart to save an idea and its explanation privately or publicly, as well as set up alerts and run backtests of automated strategies, and finally, it allows you to trade currency pairs if the selected broker supports the TradingView platform.

TradingView fans say that it is impossible to find a better charting platform than this one. The main reason why many traders find TradingView charts very convenient is that they are extremely fast. The developers of the TradingView platform make sure that users hardly notice any transitions between different timeframes or currency pairs. Strategy testing is also almost instantaneous, as is the downloading of materials with many graphical objects and indicators. In general, no matter what you do, you won't have to wait for sure.
Currency index charts on TradingView
With the TradingView platform, you can easily track currency rates and prices with ease
TradingView has such an effective tool as selection, which can be used for the stock market and currencies. The selection tool allows you to monitor several currency pairs at once using indicators and various settings. By default, for each pair the current rate, change for the day, maximum and minimum for the day and a signal (buy, sell, strong buy and strong sell) are displayed. The trader can add additional parameters himself and even save them and use them in the future. Of course, it is also possible to filter pairs by settings and set various alerts.
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